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"I am making all things new" Rev 21:5

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What is a Synod?

A Synod is a gathering of the faithful in order to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church and asking her to be and to do. This gathering can involve the faithful in different ways: pastors with lay people, bishops with the other ordained ministries, pope with bishops, etc.

A Diocesan Synod, like our Synod24, is required by Canon Law to include Bishops, members of the Clergy, members of religious orders, theologians, canonists, and members of the lay faithful representing parishes, Archdiocesan agencies, organisations and communities.

In sharing his vision for the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis said:

The purpose of the Synod is not to produce documents but to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands.


Plenary Council: Where are we up to?

During the second general assembly, more than 35 motions were put to a consultative and a deliberative vote. Those motions that received a qualified majority in the deliberative vote – two-thirds of voters eligible and present – were passed by the Plenary Council. They were confirmed as the decrees of the Plenary Council.

After the November 2022 meeting of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the decrees were sent to the Apostolic See. In accordance with canon 446 of the Code of Canon Law, decrees are not to be promulgated until they have been reviewed by the Apostolic See. They will be promulgated in the Australasian Catholic Record and the website of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in accordance with its usual practice. The decrees will oblige six months after promulgation.

The purpose of the Synod is not to produce documents but to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands. - Pope Francis

At the heart of synodality is forgiveness and reconciliation. - Towards A Spirituality of Synodality


Frequently Asked Questions

The aim of our Archdiocesan Synod is to discern the practical and Spirit-led actions that we, as the Archdiocese of Brisbane, need to undertake in the Implementation Phase of the Plenary Council.

These actions will take into consideration what is already happening across the Archdiocese that should be affirmed, what learnings can be harnessed and shared, and where the gaps and needs are.

The SYNOD24 will be held over two sessions at the Xavier Centre, Holy Spirit Seminary Banyo.


SYNOD24 Session 1:

September 6th and 7th at the Xavier Centre, Holy Spirit Seminary 487 Earnshaw Rd, Banyo

Opening Mass (open to public):

Friday September 6th 9:00am – 10:00am at the Australian Catholic University Chapel, 1100 Nudgee Rd, Banyo


SYNOD24 Session 2:

October 11th and 12th at the Xavier Centre, Holy Spirit Seminary 487 Earnshaw Rd, Banyo

Closing Mass (open to public):

Saturday October 12th 2:00pm – 3:00pm at the Australian Catholic University Chapel, 1100 Nudgee Rd, Banyo

There will be approximately 150 Synod Members representing the full diversity of our church. A Diocesan Synod, like our SYNOD24, is required by canon law to include Bishops, members of the clergy, members of religious orders, theologians, canonists, and members of the lay faithful representing parishes, Archdiocesan agencies, organisations and communities.

Each Deanery will be asked to elect two parishioners as their representatives. If you would like to be considered for this role please contact your Parish Priest.

The aim of SYNOD24 is to vote on a series of actions that will help the Brisbane Archdiocese to implement the Plenary Council Decrees. However communities can discern their own actions they can implement to reach out to those on the margins and participate more fully in the mission of the church. In fact, you are encouraged to do so! We are all called, as part of our Baptism, to be active participants in the life and mission of our church.

Consultation Guides and other resources will be made available for parishes, communities and agencies to engage with soon, so in the meantime read through the Plenary Council Decrees and start dreaming of ways you can contribute to a more co-responsible church on mission.

The focus of SYNOD24 is to discuss, debate and ultimately vote on a series of actions that will provide the pathway for our Archdiocese to begin implementing the decrees of the Australian Fifth Plenary Council.

It is hoped that elements of the SYNOD24 will be live-streamed. More information on this will be available closer to the first Synod session in September.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge has called the Synod and Bishop Tim Norton SVD will serve as Chair.

Bishop Tim is working alongside Synod Executive Officer Steph Unger, the Synod Engagement Team and the Synod Writing Team to shape and guide the process. 

Regular updates, announcements, and any changes to SYNOD24 details will be communicated through our official channels, including emails, website updates, and social media platforms. Please ensure you are subscribed and following for the latest information.


SYNOD24 Chair: Most Rev Tim Norton SVD

Bishop Tim Norton SVD was ordained Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Brisbane in 2022. Bishop Tim is a former Australian leader of the Divine Word Missionaries, for whom he was ordained a priest in 1991. His first parish postings were to Mexico before he returned to Melbourne, where he had worked as a part-time physiotherapist during his seminary studies. From 2014-2021, Bishop Tim ministered in Italy before he returned to Australia to take up his role in the Brisbane Archdiocese.


The journey of synodality

Synodality, speaks of a mode of being Church that integrates communion, mission, and participation. It can be expressed as journeying together through deep listening and discernment, with the intention of rendering Christ present in all aspects of the faith and life of the Church.


Meet the SYNOD24 Team

Bishop Tim Norton SVD, Steph Unger, Synod Engagement Team, and the Synod Writing will engage in strategic consultations with key stake holders, community members and Church agencies. Guided by the question: “How can we be a more co-responsible church on mission?”.

These consultations will help discern creative dreaming and actionable ideas about what is already happening within the Archdiocese that should be affirmed, what lessons can be learned from others, and where the gaps and needs are.

Bishop Tim

Most Rev. Tim Norton SVD

Synod Chair
Steph Unger

Steph Unger

Synod Executive Officer
Paul Jensen

Paul Jensen

Synod Facilitator
Immaculate Vuciri

Immaculate Vuciri

Synod Facilitator

Synod Engagment Team

Synod Engagement Team

Synod Writing Team

Synod Writing Team

News and Blog

Stay informed and engaged with the latest happenings and thoughtful reflections on SYNOD24 through our dedicated News and Blog section. Explore in-depth articles, behind-the-scenes insights, and updates that provide a deeper understanding of the discussions, decisions, and shared moments during this significant gathering. Join us on this journey of exploration and discovery as we walk towards SYNOD24 together.


SYNOD24 Process Led by the Holy Spirit

We are now only a couple of weeks out from the Second Synod Session and as preparations are well underway for October 11th and 12th it’s a good time to take a peak behind the scenes at the SYNOD24 Process. Synod Working Document Prior to the first Synod Session in September, Synod Members received the…


Day two of SYNOD24 – feel the Holy Spirit Moving

It’s fair to come into something like SYNOD24 feeling a little cynical about what it could, should, would achieve so it’s not surprising that despite coming with open hearts, some Synod Members were also cautious about what to expect. Some were concerned at first that there might be pressure applied to simply “endorse” actions and…


Day one of SYNOD24 shows Brisbane Church working together.

In “Day one of SYNOD24 shows Brisbane Church working together” Joe Higgins from The Catholic Leader shines a light on how Synod Members are feeling about the process and their role in discussing, debating, discerning and voting on the proposed Decree Action Plans. Head to the article to read the candid responses. 

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A Missional Church Post the Royal Commission

Over the course of 2024, Synod Engagement Team members have been engaged in consultations with various community members for all the Plenary Council focus areas (Decrees). Paul Jensen reflects on his experience facilitating conversations around safeguarding.   “For the upcoming Synod, I’ve had the privilege of facilitating 6 consultations with a variety of stakeholders on…

DAisy Hill Forest

An Experience of Inspiration

A reflection on the consultation process from Synod Engagement Team member Elizabeth Fort.   One of the things about listening to people and sharing conversation with them is that you are able to experience the passion and thoughtfulness that they bring to their responses. It has been invigorating to hear of the work that has…

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Archdiocese of Brisbane’s Diocesan Summary for the world Synod of Bishops

It just so happens that our Brisbane synod (SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New) is taking place at the same time as the global Synod of Bishops in Rome (Synod on Synodality). So, between February and May, the Archdiocese of Brisbane has been engaging in consultations around the Australian Plenary Council Decrees and the…

Spiritual Conversations with Youth

SYNOD24: What is it?

The Archdiocese of Brisbane will be holding SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New in September and October of this year. But what is it and what are the focus areas?   SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New is a gathering of 150 people who represent the broad diversity of the Brisbane Archdiocese and…

Multicultural Consultation 1

Language Is No Barrier When It Comes To Faith

“Synodality is one of these things where if we actually want to hear one another we have to go to one another’s places and sit down and listen” challenges Synod24 Chair Bishop Tim Norton SVD. As part of the SYNOD24 Consultations, Synod Engagement Team members Liliana Ortiz and Mary To organised for Cultural Chaplains from…

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