An Experience of Inspiration Jun 3, 2024

A reflection on the consultation process from Synod Engagement Team member Elizabeth Fort.
One of the things about listening to people and sharing conversation with them is that you are able to experience the passion and thoughtfulness that they bring to their responses. It has been invigorating to hear of the work that has been done in the area of Integral Ecology and Conversion for the sake of our Common Home around Brisbane and surrounding areas. To share in discussion about ideas and many hopes for future progress has been a privilege. The structure of the Spiritual Conversations has meant that participants are able to clearly see, judge and propose action by the conclusion of time spent together. It has been inspiring to watch the process unfold.
Part of the consultation was with the youngest of students, asking them about their favourite part of the environment and why they liked their choices. Prep students were able to say clearly that they wanted the environment to stay as beautiful as it could because they loved interacting with God’s creations. Such a simple response in a complex world, it makes you wonder and invites you to prayer.
Recognising the sacredness of God’s works has been a feature of the consultations and it is my hope that the Synod will draw forth ways that will allow for rich encounters with God through experiencing connection to God’s earthly gifts and that it will offer opportunities to facilitate a conversion of heart so that integral ecology is understood and experienced in our Archdiocese and beyond.
Thanks Elizabeth. It is our prayer that their elders and our political representatives are listening to God’s message in Creation.