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What is SYNOD24?

What is SYNOD24?

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SYNOD24 marks the Implementation Phase of the Fifth Plenary Council. Since 2018 our Australian church has been asking the question: "What is the Holy Spirit asking of us at this time"?. Through listening, dialogue and discernment your voices have been heard and captured through Fifth Plenary Council Decrees. Now it is time to move our Archdiocese into action.


“How can we be a more co-responsible church on mission?”

On September 6th and 7th and October 11th and 12th of 2024, the Archdiocese of Brisbane will celebrate a Synod to mark the next phase of the Plenary Council journey, the Implementation Phase.

Our Archdiocesan Synod will discern the practical and Spirit-led actions that we, as the Archdiocese of Brisbane, need to undertake in the Implementation Phase of the Plenary Council. Bearing in mind that the Decrees have yet to be officially approved by the Apostolic See, these actions will be practical and able to be implemented immediately.

The Synod Engagement Team, and the Synod Writing will engage in strategic consultations with key stake holders, community members and Church agencies. Guided by the question: “How can we be a more co-responsible church on mission?”, these consultations will help discern creative dreaming and actionable ideas about what is already happening within the Archdiocese that should be affirmed, what lessons can be learned from others, and where the gaps and needs are.


Synod Session 1:

September 6th and 7th at the Xavier Centre, Holy Spirit Seminary 487 Earnshaw Rd, Banyo

Opening Mass (open to public):

Friday September 6th 9:00am – 10:00am at the Australian Catholic University Chapel, 1100 Nudgee Rd, Banyo


Synod Session 2:

October 11th and 12th at the Xavier Centre, Holy Spirit Seminary 487 Earnshaw Rd, Banyo

Closing Mass (open to public):

Saturday October 12th 2:00pm – 3:00pm at the Australian Catholic University Chapel, 1100 Nudgee Rd, Banyo

The Australian Plenary Council Journey So Far


During the second general assembly, more than 35 motions were put to a consultative and a deliberative vote. Those motions that received a qualified majority in the deliberative vote – two-thirds of voters eligible and present – were passed by the Plenary Council. They were confirmed as the decrees of the Plenary Council.

After the November 2022 meeting of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the decrees were sent to the Apostolic See. In accordance with canon 446 of the Code of Canon Law, decrees are not to be promulgated until they have been reviewed by the Apostolic See. They will be promulgated in the Australasian Catholic Record and the website of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in accordance with its usual practice. The decrees will oblige six months after promulgation.

2019 Brisbane Plenary Assembly

Take A Step Back A Little Further To Remember

Synod 2003: Setting Hearts on Fire


The nine Archdiocesan priorities below were promulgated July 2003, by Archbishop John Bathersby in response to the recommendations of Synod 2003. Each of the priorities were seen as an entry point into the dynamic reality of the Jesus Communion Mission vision. The priorities were not in competition with each other nor any of the priorities limited to a single dimension of the vision. In selecting priorities to be addressed, it was considered vital to ensure that there was balance of activity directed to building up each of the dimensions in the Jesus Communion Mission vision.


Our baptism calls us into the mission for the Church to promote the reign of God, continuing the mission of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This mission centres not on the Church but on the transformation of the world according to the person and vision of Jesus, especially the kingdom values of peace, justice, forgiveness and love.


Daily Life

That Catholics recognise and value the impact of their everyday Christian living on building a better world: The great value of the Second Vatican Council was that it turned the Church towards the world as Christ himself had turned to the world. As a result Christians need to recognise that everything we do, especially in our normal work, is able to promote or hinder Christ's vision of the world.


That the person and message of Jesus and the works of the Church are effectively communicated in wider society: The good news of Jesus Christ demands to be communicated effectively to all people. It excited people in Jesus' time and it will do the same today if presented adequately and in its fullness.

Justice and Welfare

That a deep awareness of and commitment to social justice and social welfare are characteristic of Catholics throughout the Archdiocese: We cannot really be called "followers of Christ" unless we are involved in matters of social welfare and social justice. There are still so many matters in our society and world that cry out for Christian attention if we wish to transform the world according to the vision of Christ.


Jesus, by his teachings and actions, showed humanity how to live, above all with love and compassion. He sought to bring in outcasts and welcome home sinners, to draw the hurt, unloved, suffering, the lost and the excluded into closeness and friendship with him, and therefore with God.


That Catholics embrace the person and vision of Jesus Christ: Embracing the person and vision of Jesus is the key to our Christian mission. A growth in faith and understanding of Jesus is nurtured through a lifetime of reflection in scripture, liturgy (especially Eucharist), and prayer.

Young People

That young people are helped by a set of faith development opportunities to integrate their faith with everyday experience: Reaching out to young people must be a priority of the Church. The greatest gift we can give to young people is a correct understanding of the person and vision of Christ, filled with excitement that accompanies it.


The Gospel leads us into a real communion - with God in Jesus Christ and the Spirit, with our brothers and sisters in faith (past, present and future), with all men and women, and with the whole of creation.


That parish leadership becomes more vibrant, meaningful and inclusive: Liturgy means in the first place Eucharist, and Eucharist is the total representation of the life of Christ. It is the ultimate expression of the Church's communion, a sign to the world of God's kingdom, past, present and future.

Welcoming Communities

That parishes are welcoming, inclusive communities to which people are drawn and have a strong sense of belonging: If the parish is really the sign of the kingdom that it is meant to be, its life, vitality, friendship of people at worship, and care and concern will attract those who have lapsed in their faith and those who have no faith.

Pastoral Leadership

That parish pastoral leadership is promoted, supported and resourced at all levels: Further exploration needs to be given to effectively developing and supporting priests and pastoral ministers in their leadership roles. We need pastoral leaders who can provide the creativity, vitality, and deep faith tat is a normal part of effective leadership.

Small Groups

That parishes accept, value and use the initiative of small groups to nurture and support people on their faith journey: It is important for the Church not merely to try to stimulate and support the community of the family and that of the Church, but also to encourage small communities that provide both a sense of belonging and a place where God can be found.

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