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SYNOD24: What is it? May 8, 2024

Spiritual Conversations with Youth

The Archdiocese of Brisbane will be holding SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New in September and October of this year. But what is it and what are the focus areas?


SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New is a gathering of 150 people who represent the broad diversity of the Brisbane Archdiocese and will take place over two sessions, one in September and one in October. Synod Membership will include parish representatives from each Deanery, laity who work with social justice organisations, young people, leaders and members of multicultural communities, representatives from church agencies and organisations, religious and Clergy. A full list of Synod Members will be published in the lead up to SYNOD24.


This gathering (synod) is a little different to an ordinary meeting or conference, as it pays particular attention to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Often when a group of people come together only some voices are heard. This is often due to many things such as time constraints, confidence, some people having lots of things to say and some people preferring to focus on listening rather than responding. In SYNOD24, discussions will take place around a round table and designed to give equal time to each group member to speak without interruption. Time is then given for each member of the group to share what they heard others say. This gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to speak through each person at the table. It means that space is provided for many different stories, perspectives, experiences, ideas, questions, and challenges to be heard. Most importantly, it requires each person to actively listen with an open heart, so that they are able to reflect back what they heard the Holy Spirit say through other people.


It is from this place of openness to the perspectives of others, and to the Holy Spirit, that the Synod Members are able to genuinely discuss, debate and then vote on actions related to eight areas of church faith, life and mission. These areas, that have come out of the Australian Plenary Council, are called “Decrees”, and focus on the following topics:


Reconciliation Healing Wounds Receiving Gifts.

Choosing Repentance Seeking Healing

Called by Christ Sent Forth As Missionary Disciples

Witnessing to the Equal Dignity of Women and Men

Communion in Grace Sacrament to the World

Formation and Leadership for Mission and Ministry

At the Service of Communion, Participation and Mission: Governance

Integral Ecology and Conversion for the Sake of Our Common Home.


You can learn more about what areas these topics explore here:





  1. Joan Ebzery on May 18, 2024 at 8:56 am

    You briefly mentioned ‘ open window ‘.
    My husband and I were young parents of a rapidly growing family. I cannot recall the year but it was sometime in the late sixties or early seventies that we were invited to ” Open Window” held in the Cathedral Complex. It was based on Vatican 2. It was to change our lives as Catholics both in our marital and family life and in our Pastoral life. Led a very active life within and outside our Parish. I am still an active member of our wider Catholic church and thank God for his gift of faith.

  2. Tony Robertson on August 14, 2024 at 6:35 pm

    Our theology of the Holy Spirit has not often been put in the context of “discuss, debate and vote” and for many I imagine this is new and challenging language. It is also exciting and liberating as the spiritual conversation in which this process happens is a key pastoral learning that could be applied to much of our community life. The great challenge is that the “debate” is more within ourselves than with the other!!!!

    • Steph Unger on August 15, 2024 at 2:02 pm

      This is so true Tony. Our understanding of “debate” needs to broaden from speaking to or even shouting at to “wrestling with” ideas, perspectives and opinions, both internally and as we dialogue with others. Looking forward to your insights at the Synod.

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