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Archdiocese of Brisbane’s Diocesan Summary for the world Synod of Bishops May 21, 2024

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It just so happens that our Brisbane synod (SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New) is taking place at the same time as the global Synod of Bishops in Rome (Synod on Synodality). So, between February and May, the Archdiocese of Brisbane has been engaging in consultations around the Australian Plenary Council Decrees and the themes being discussed at the Synod of Bishops. All dioceses were asked to hold consultations, choosing three themes to focus on from the Synod on Synodality Synthesis Report and to submit a report on the consultation responses.

We chose to explore:

1: A Church “out of every tribe, tongue, people and nation”

2: Women in the Life and Mission of the Church

3: Mission in the Digital Environment


The responses from across Australia were gathered together in the Australian Summary, along with a number of diocesan testimonies about their experience of synodality. You can read more about the Australian Summary through The Catholic Leader article: Australian voices heard in Rome on key issues for world Synod of Bishops.


You can read the Archdiocese of Brisbane Diocesan Summary Report and the Archdiocesan of Brisbane Diocesan Testimony for a point in time snapshot of our consultations.


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